Mental Health Unmasked

Unveiling the Secrets to Sustained Sainty

Dr. Diane Gehart



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Dr. Diane Gehart

"It's crystal clear

that we need a


paradigm shift

in mental health."

Free Mini-Course Based on My TEDx Talk!

5-Minute Mental Health

For a limited time only, receive Dr. Gehart's 5-Minute Mental Health Mini-Course (valued at $97) to learn simple, evidence-based strategies for creating a solid foundation for lifetime wellness.

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Dr. Diane Gehart

"Instead of juggling

500 theories and

thousands of research journals,

I propose a unifying framework...

Its guiding principle is simple:


In a Nutshell...

With one billion people diagnosed with a mental health disorder, the world faces an unprecedented crisis.

As an award-winning professor, author, and psychotherapist, I believe the field of mental health has unintentionally contributed to this crisis through fragmentation.

Over 500 recognized psychotherapy theories exist, yet an individual psychotherapist can be skilled in only a handful.

Furthermore, the field's standard treatment guidelines and ability to address physiological correlates of mental health symptoms are decades behind the research.

My proposed solution is twofold:

(1) a unifying framework synthesizing theories, knowledge, and research to empower clinicians in efficiently and effectively helping all clients, and

(2) empowering individuals to improve their mental health by mastering the five pillars of wellness: healthy diet, regular exercise, quality sleep, supportive relationships, and effective coping.

The key lies in harnessing micro-habits, the smallest healthy habits, to bypass the stress response and challenge our inner critic. By implementing these strategies, we can address the crisis at hand and pave the way for a healthier future.

Delivering the disappointing news...


"healthy coping involves more than just a margarita on the beach."

Dr. Diane Gehart

No, I'm not making it up.

Here are the STATS from my talk and more...

  • 13% of the world population—nearly a billion people--have a formal mental health or substance use disorder at any given time, with some countries, such as the US, having rates over 20% (World Health Organization, 2023; National Alliance of the Mentally Ill, 2023).
  • 13% surge in mental health issues worldwide (World Health Organization, 2023)
  • 20% of the world’s children have a mental health condition at any one time with 14% of children in the U.S. on psychiatric medication (World Health Organization, 2023; Center for Disease Control, 2019)
  • 50% of children in America have a major mental health disorder before the age of 14. Just 15 years ago, that number was 25%. Additionally, 75% have a diagnosable disorder before age 24 (National Alliance of the Mentally Ill, 2023)
  • Mental health issues account for 20% of disability worldwide. (World Health Organization, 2023)
  • Suicide is the second leading cause of death between 15-29 worldwide. (World Health Organization, 2023)
  • 500 psychotherapy theories (Norcross, 2009)
  • At least 20 known physiological correlates between physical and mental health (Huefner et al., 2019; Lockett et al., 2018; Mayer et al., 2017; Marx et al. 2021, Varn, 2021) 
  • 25% of mental health issues can be attributed to physiological causes, such as thyroid, adrenal, sex hormone, and other endocrine imbalances, gut microbiome, autoimmune disorder, dietary issues, vitamin deficiencies, undiagnosed sleep disorders, undiagnosed past brain injury, certain tumors, chronic pain and disorders, blood sugar issues, chronic fatigue, etc. (Amen, 2015; Huefner et al., 2019; Kelley et al., 2019; Lockett et al, 2018)
  • The majority of mental health professionals do not use any research to inform treatment (Stirman et al., 2016)
Dr. Diane Gehart

"When you shut down your inner critic,

you can achieve almost anything in life."

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Mental Health Unmasked


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Diane Speaking

Shut Down Inner Critic


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Diane Speaking

Pranking Your Amygdala


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Diane Speaking

5 Pillars of Wellness


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30-Day Gratitude Challenge

I just saw this TEDx Talk on mental health, and I decided to challenge myself to practice "gratitude with attitude" for 30 days. I'll let you know how it goes! Feel free to join me.

You can catch the TEDx talk here:

Morning Coffee & Mindfulness

I just learned how to use my morning coffee routine to boost my sanity in Diane Gehart's TEDx Talk, Mental Health Unmasked. I decided to start by doing 1-5 minutes of mindfulness while the coffee brews. I'll let you know how it goes. 

You can check out the full talk here: 

Quieting the Inner Critic

Do you struggle with an inner critic? I do. I found this TEDx Talk by Dr. Diane Gehart that explains how to use micro-habits to quiet the inner critic. I can't wait to try this.

You can check it out here: 

Hijacking the Amygdala

I just learned how to hijack my amygdala to increase my sense of gratitude and happiness in this TEDx Talk. Looking forward to becoming a real-life optimist!

Check out the full talk here: 

My Daily Dose of Inspiration

I just watched this TEDx Talk on how to boost our mental health with micro-habits. It inspired me to start some simple habits to reduce my stress and feel more joy.

You can check out the full talk here: 

5 Pillars of Wellness

Today I learned about the 5 Pillars of Wellness in Diane Gehart's TEDx Talk, Mental Health Unmasked. Inspired me to get back to exercising my body.

You can check out the full talk here: 

Behind the Scenes

Dr. Diane Gehart

"Another way

to take charge of your wellness is by

pranking your amygdala,

that part of your brain

that’s always looking for

things to worry about."

Inspiring the Next Generation...

My kids joined me on my TEDx journey.

In addition to learning how hard it is to memorize a 13.5-minute speech, my boys commented on how the household rules and rituals related to sleep, healthy eating, exercise, meal time, and kindness made more sense than ever before.

They are learning secrets to lifelong wellness decades earlier in their lives than I did. 

I'm confident that learning about the 5 pillars of wellness and micro-habits will make their lives easier in the years ahead.

I look forward to seeing how they choose to use these tools to create a life they love.

I hope YOU put these into action in your life...and share these secrets with the next generation as well.

Dr. Diane Gehart and Family
Red X from TEDx

About the Event

My TEDxTalk was hosted by Queens University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada (about 3 hours northeast of Toronto).

You can learn more here:

Free Mini-Course Based on My TEDx Talk!

5-Minute Mental Health

For a limited time only, receive Dr. Gehart's 5-Minute Mental Health Mini-Course (valued at $97) to learn simple, evidence-based strategies for creating a solid foundation for lifetime wellness.

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